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Brewing Biofertilisers at Scale

Join our workshop on brewing biofertilisers at scale in Waitchie, Victoria!

Farmers Brian and Carol Fitzpatrick will walk us through how they brew their own biofertilisers and apply them in their broadacre cropping enterprise. In this demonstration you will learn about the Fitzpatrick’s methods and recipes, the equipment they use including their liquid inject system, and the tips and tricks they have learnt along the way. David Hardwick from Soil Land Food will also be joining to share his insights on how biofertilisers can help to build healthy and resilient soils.

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More about the event

  • The workshop will be held at Carol and Brian’s farm in Waitchie, Victoria
  • Tuesday 12 March from 8:30am-2pm.
  • Lunch and morning tea will be provided.
This workshop is delivered in partnership with Vic No Till as part of Soils for Life’s Cropping Resilience Project. This project is jointly funded through the Australian Government’s Future Drought Fund and Soils for Life.
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