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Our Work

Cropping for Resilience

The Soils for Life ‘Cropping Resilience’ project aims to achieve large-scale practice change by supporting and building the capacity of a growing cohort of Australian croppers who are seeking to build soil health and drought resilience. This project is supported by Soils For Life, through funding from the Australian Government’s Future Drought Fund.

Monitoring Soil Health

Farms with better soil health and landscape function are better able to adapt to weather and market variability, and are more resilient and lower risk. Soils for Life supports farmers to learn more about soil health by measuring and monitoring it on their own property, sharing their experience, learning from other farmers, and using this information to make more informed decisions.

Rehydrating landscapes through communities of practice

The ‘Communities of Practice Project (CoPP)’ is led by Mulloon Institute and involves working with land managers around Australia to strategically improve water cycling and manage climate risk. The project is designed as a collaboration between the Institute and regional partners to foster the growth of local ‘communities of practice’ in five regions around Australia that will continue beyond the project period.

Resilient Agricultural Landscapes Case Studies Program

Our extensive and long-running regenerative farming case study program provides interwoven, evidence-based accounts of land manager and landscape regeneration. These case studies form the basis of our mentoring and outreach programs as well as a network of change agents and rural leaders who can share insights and diverse experience. This project is supported by Soils for Life, through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program.

Soil CRC (CRC for High Performance Soils)

Soils for Life is a partner in Soil CRC ( CRC for HIGH PERFORMANCE SOILS). This program uses participatory research methods, decision modelling, surveys, case studies and bio-economic modelling. It aims to deliver tools and resource to support policy-makers, financiers, suppliers, and farmers to adopt and make use of these incentives.

Rangelands Living Skin

The expansive wide-open spaces of Australia’s rangelands make up majority of our continent. ‘Rangelands Living Skin’ is a new project led by NSW Department of Primary Industries and supported by Meat and Livestock Australia, recognising the importance of productivity and resilience in our rangelands. Collaborating with scientists and farming families, the project will focus on soil, plants, animals and people as the living skin of the rangelands. For mid 2021 Soils for Life will be leading the communications on this exciting project.

Paddock Labs for Drought Resilience

Paddock Labs is a new Soils for Life project in partnership with the Australian Government (Future Drought Fund) and regional stakeholders in South Australia, focusing on building drought resilience through fostering local innovation. The South Australian Paddock Labs project will work with facilitators, advisors and groups of 25 farmers in the Northern & Yorke and Eyre Peninsula districts. The project will use an innovative citizen-science model, supporting farmers to take a central role throughout the process.