Strengthening our case studies with soil assessment training
In order to strengthen the quality of the information around soils in our case studies, the Soils For Life team undertook soil assessment training in July, led by our soil scientist Dr Katharine Brown . Katharine is a Certified Professional Soil Scientist (CPSS) with experience in soil survey, land evaluation and land rehabilitation in the ACT, NSW, QLD and WA. Katharine believes that a knowledge of soils and landscapes is fundamental to managing the land within its capability.
The focus for the day was the description of basic soil properties and the procedure Soils For Life will follow as part of its case studies. The members of the Soils For Life team got their hands dirty by taking soil cores and displaying the soil profile for observation. The team discussed the soil horizons and boundaries, the presence of segregations and coarse fragments, soil colour and mottling, soil pH, soil texture and structure, and aggregate stability.
By recording soil information and sampling soils for laboratory analysis of soil physical, chemical and biological properties as part of its case studies, Soils For Life will be able to determine changes in soil properties over time. In addition, Soils For Life will be able to compare the characteristics of the case study soils with similar soils in the region, including soils under different management regimes.
Soils For Life takes an integrated approach to our case studies in regenerative agriculture. Read more about how we bring them together.