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Message from the new CEO, Dr Liz Clarke

Welcome to the Soils For Life newsletter – my first as the new CEO. I am very excited to have the opportunity to lead Soils For Life and focus on the important work of supporting farmers in their journey along the various pathways which lead to regenerative agriculture.

I have joined the organisation at both a challenging and an exciting time. On one hand, COVID-19 is still creating massive challenges globally and many Australians continue to deal with the consequences of drought, fire and now floods. On the other hand, these crises are fueling the growing awareness of, and appetite for, regenerative approaches, not just in agriculture, but in many other fields of resource-based activity where building resilience is crucial.

In light of this, we (at Soils For Life) are reflecting on our history, evaluating our impact and thinking hard about our future priorities and strategy, to ensure we leverage opportunities to deliver on our mandate.

I strongly welcome your support and input to this process. There are a number of ways in which we will invite your input. As a first step, I invite you to participate in our stakeholder engagement strategy. This is the first of a number of initiatives we are undertaking to better understand needs and opportunities from your perspective as our stakeholders. We also welcome your feedback through the feedback form on our website.

Our talented and enthusiastic team are continuing their work on the Soils For Life regenerative agriculture case studies, and at the same time reviewing our approach and refining the ways in which we make this information available to you. We’ve recently conducted training for the team to strengthen the way soils are represented  in our case studies. The team are also continuing to work on a suite of information resources around regenerative agriculture topics. This month we’ve published some lessons from our case studies around how to grow soil organic matter.

Again, your feedback is welcome and we look forward to hearing from you.