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Soil resources for school teachers

Healthy Living Soils lesson plans | Published November 2023

Primary Industries Education Foundation Australia (PIEFA), in collaboration with Soil Science Australia and Soils for Life, are excited to announce the release of a new suite of Healthy Living Soils educational resources. The collection explores different aspects to soil health and its importance to land productivity and environmental sustainability.

There are seven #HealthyLivingSoils classroom lessons which are targeted to students in Years 7-10, addressing various subject areas, including Science, Geography and Design & Technologies. 

Educators can access a dedicated website to view and download Teacher PD webinars that explain the content of each lesson, what activities are involved – and instruction on how to implement the lessons into their classroom programs. 

Students will love engaging in the hands-on tasks that explore First Nations’ approaches to land management; investigate how carbon cycles through plants and how the complex soil ecosystem functions in healthy soils; and learn about innovative on-farm strategies to improve soil health, plus lots more! 

To get involved and access the Healthy Living Soils educational resources, find out more here:

For more information

If you have any questions, get in touch at [email protected]

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